Moving with a Baby
You’ve got your hands full, literally. You’re holding your baby---lifting, changing, feeding, cuddling---and packing boxes at the same time.
There’s no getting around it. Moving with a baby is a lot of work. It can be done, though---safely and without tearing your hair out. Read on for how to make your move as stress-free as possible for you and your baby.
Start with a Moving Checklist
Some of us are skilled at planning and sticking to schedule, and some of us…..not so much. Luckily, even the disorganized among us can copy from other people to keep ourselves on track.
Take advantage of digital and printable moving checklists to help in the weeks ahead of moving. This checklist maps out what to do in the eight weeks ahead of your move. Why spend time creating a giant to-do list, when someone else has already done it and scheduled it out for you?
Having this type of checklist means you don’t have to juggle 500 moving-related tasks in your head. You’ll feel a lot less stressed and be able to focus on other things, including enjoying your baby.
Pack Baby’s Things Last
Moving is disruptive for everyone. We all get a little cranky when our surroundings are out of whack, and the same is true for your little ones. With that in mind, plan your packing schedule around your child’s sleep and play areas.
When you’re packing up, hold off on these items as long as possible:
- Bassinet or crib
- Pack-and-play
- Bouncy seat
- Baby swing
- Activity centers (stationary ones, not ones with wheels)
- Diapers-enough for several days
- Baby wipes
- Extra receiving blankets or swaddlers
- Bottles
- Nursing bra and nursing pads
- Toys
- Changing pad
- Pacifiers
- Diaper rash cream
- Plastic bags for dirty diapers or clothes
- Baby gates/stairs
- Windows
- Outlet covers/exposed wires
- Sharp corners on furniture
- Cabinet latches and locks
- Cleaners and chemicals/medicines
- Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarm
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